Find A Self-Advocacy Group

Inclusive Empowerment Network

The Inclusive Empowerment Network (IEN) mission is to encourage the empowerment of people with and without disabilities in an all inclusive environment through education and community involvement in all aspects of change and advocacy.

(623) 792-0776

Meets in Phoenix. Available online.

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People First of Arizona

We are a self advocacy and civil rights group run by and for people with disabilities, that offers experience through self-advocacy. We are a community based group and not connected with any provider agency.

(602) 725-3117

Participation is statewide. Meets virtually 1st Tuesday of each month.

Northern Arizona Tribal Disability Coalition

Mission Statement: To Establish and Strengthen Self Advocacy for all People with Disabilities in Tribal Communities.

(928) 614-0989

Meets in Tuba City.


Mission Statement: To seek equality and fairness for people with disabilities, providing them a seat at the table to make decisions and hold those in power accountable.

(602) 529-5064

Meets on Zoom. Every 3rd Tuesday.


Self-Direction is a self advocacy group helping individuals with special needs succeed in there everyday lives. To strive for independence, to gain the knowledge needed to be able to control your own life, and most importantly giving you a voice to speak up and stand up for your rights.

(520) 223-0260

Meetings run every third Monday and are held at the Santa Cruz Training Program.

Athlete Leadership Council

The Athlete Leadership Program is an inclusive program by athletes for athletes and showcases athletes leadership talents. Athlete Leaders promote positive leadership for all involved with Special Olympics Arizona.

(602) 228-1696

Flagstaff Self-Advocacy

The Flagstaff Self-Advocacy Group (name TBD)’s mission is for people with disabilities to listen and learn from each other and advocate together in a collective way.

+1 (928) 380-8835

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